Dragon prince amaya signing translation season 3
Dragon prince amaya signing translation season 3

The Chessmaster: Harrow knew more about Callum's potential than he let on, even in his early years.King Harrow: The great illusion of childhood is that adults have all the power and freedom. When Callum sees a vision of King Harrow in his dreams, he's chained down to his throne. The Chains of Commanding: It's established early on that Harrow feels his kingly duties are a burden and it wears on him, especially after Sarai died, and in his last letter he urges Callum not to make the mistakes he did.When Callum learns from Rayla how Harrow killed the Dragon King in a bit of vengeful spite, he asks how a good man could do that. Broken Pedestal: Callum always looked up to his stepfather, seeing him as larger than life.Brainy Brunette: Harrow has black hair and is a wise man.Beware the Nice Ones: Harrow is a beloved king and father, but that didn't mean he wasn't capable of great anger.

dragon prince amaya signing translation season 3

Be Careful What You Wish For: He succeeds in killing Thunder out of vengeance for the latter killing Sarai, but he later regrets this action because of how senseless it was and how much strife it caused.They would spar together for training and take on a giant lava monster side-by-side.

dragon prince amaya signing translation season 3

  • Battle Couple: With Sarai in the past.
  • The Atoner: He acknowledges that he's done many things wrong and that he can't undo them, but if he is to pay for his crimes with his life, then so be it.
  • Lord Viren: Any one of these men and women are willing to give their life for you!

    Dragon prince amaya signing translation season 3